ข่าว Zoom Hits 98% Satisfaction at The University of Sydney
The University of Sydney needed a high-quality video communications platform that was easy to use for both students and faculty across over ten campuses. Previously, the team had a clunky collection of communications technology, so the top priority when choosing a new platform was its intuitive interface. Working with AARNet (Australia’s Academic and Research Network), Zoom was selected to fill the university’s video communications needs.
Julia Bryant, associate professor in astrophysics and astrophotonics at The University of Sydney, has frequent meetings with people all over the world, including full-day engagements, so it was crucial to have a platform that performs well in low-bandwidth environments, from any device.
“We like Zoom’s easy booking system: you click to book the meeting and the invitation goes out to everyone, regardless of what device they are using. The other day I was on the train and was able to join a Zoom call from my phone connected to my headphones – I find this kind of flexibility great,” said Bryant.
In the first 6 months, the team rolled out 80 Zoom Rooms across their campuses and is planning to double this number in 2019. The average number of active Zoom users per month is 10,000 – 12,000, indicating high engagement and activity. Moreover, Zoom reached over 98% customer satisfaction due to its ease of use and quality.
“Zoom enables you to connect with people quite quickly because it is easy to set up from your calendar, quickly share links, share your screen, or invite more people into the meeting,” said Antoinette Murphy, IT service delivery manager for The University of Sydney.
Since 2014, AARNet and Zoom have been working together to provide cloud-based video communications to Australia’s research and education sector, and we’re proud to serve The University of Sydney together.
Watch the video case study here: